2019 Anti-Oppression Training

2019 Anti-Oppression Training
Thursday, May 23, 2019
9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Crowne Plaza, 1901 University Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM


Click here to register for the 2019 Anti-Oppression Training.


Join the Tobacco Use Prevention and Control Program (TUPAC) staff, contractors, and tobacco control partners statewide for the 2019 Anti-Oppression Training.

Substantial attention has been paid in recent years to implicit bias in day to day health care environments, and how unconscious bias, and lack of cultural competency can create systemic health care disparities. The relationship between health care providers and clients is one that is personal as well as professional, and understanding how preconceived assumptions based on early messages can alter optimum care, while more heart centered treatment, including sensitive knowledge of patients’ cultural values can open a clearer path to healing. This workshop will be both educational and interactive, including provocative short video and  engaging discussions, centered on understanding why we carry explicit and implicit bias in day to day living, contemporary examples of how it shows up in health care environments, information on how managing conflict and communication can deter preconceived assumptions and prejudicial treatment related to caring for clients, and use of application examples related to culturally competent health care.

This will look like:

  • Comfortability with understanding our personal and structural biases and reflecting on how our assumptions and biases can lead to visible and invisible systems of inequity for those of varying backgrounds
  • Becoming more cognizant of the leadership abilities to act and manage inclusively by continuing to think critically about diversity and cultural competence in 2019 and beyond
  •  Become more aware of some of the challenges with immigrant based disparities in mental health utilization and how implicit bias and discrimination can play a detrimental role in both perceived and real success
  • Gain awareness about how diversity, communication and conflict management is critical in successful relationships with those of varying backgrounds and identities, including understanding how navigating inference and  RIF (relationships, issues and feelings) enter into successful day to day interactions with workplace peers and clients


Click here to register for the 2019 Anti-Oppression Training.


This is a free training offered by invitation only. Registration is required. Meals/snacks will be provided.

For more information, please contact suzanne@chronicdiseasenm.org.